Warning: Division by zero in /home/wrlogin/public_html/eu_realmstats.php on line 283
Warning: Division by zero in /home/wrlogin/public_html/eu_realmstats.php on line 283
Warning: Division by zero in /home/wrlogin/public_html/eu_realmstats.php on line 283
The ratios are color coded as follows. If the number you see is red, then there have been less than 50
data snapshots submitted for this server/faction in the last 30 days. This is BAD and we need more info on those
realm/factions! If the number you see is in yellow, then there have been more than 50, but less than
100. This is better, but we really could use more data. If the number is green then there have been
more than 100 snapshots submitted in the last 30 days. This is fairly acceptible to give reliable data!
Have some quick stats you would like to see? Post your ideas to the Suggestions Forum!