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Guild and Profession data
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 9:16 am
by Elm
Love the site and Census+
I would like it if the guild data were in a more web-friendly format, namely XML. It would make parsing it much more easy.
I would also like the guild info to include the Public Note field if possible.
I can also tell you are working on collecting the recipes people can make, it would be cool if in the same XML structure that information were included.
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 12:32 am
by Zimeron
The recipe thing would be cool, but it sounds like it'd just create more strain on the DB, and would be better for a guild mod.
Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 11:43 am
by Elm
Not at all. He is already collecting and storing the information. It's simply a matter of providing it in a link.
Currently I pull the data, parse it and store it in my own database... THAT is where my guildies look at it. If they want to force a refresh from Warcraft Realms they have the option to. But I am not using any bandwidth at all most of the time. Just on the occasional refresh.
The database has NO strain on it simply storing data, that's what is is designed for and a well implemented schema can handle millions of requests. The query to pull the data is a very limited subset of the data too, its not like you are pulling all the records every time.
In the case of my guild I'd be pulling around 70 records whenever I requested it, which as I said is infrequent
Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 11:52 am
by Rollie
I want to explore more export functionality as well as offering XML verions. As of right now, I just have to find the time to implement all the cool ideas I have =)