Warning: newly connected realms have broken some things...
Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 6:11 pm
Just spent an hour or so trying to diagnose why my database keeps getting wiped when I switch realm and finally found it: EU-Darkmoon Faire is now, since being connected on Thursday, making the addon think it's in the US (not sure if that's the addon getting confused by the extra connected realms or Blizzard's end sending wrong info *shrug*). So the addon thinks I changed region and wipes the db. Not only that but the lua is absolutely recording the connected group of realms as US ones - old lua files have "EU" at the start of the realm name, these do not, meaning the website will most likely believe what the lua tells it and add EU data to US realms.
So if you don't want to mess up the data for US realms (or get a big E if the database notices the issue), double check what region the addon thinks you're in before uploading from any recently connected realm. Ordinarily I'd send an SOS to BOYD but, well, see the other sticky thread... tbh it barely even matters any more but may as well make some attempt to preserve data integrity.
Well at least disabling it on DMF should solve the problem rather than having to remember to upload before it auto-wipes but still, *sigh*. Especially annoying is I'm having issues with the who window constantly popping up... only on Draenor. So running censuses is a lot less annoying on the realm I now can't run them on
So if you don't want to mess up the data for US realms (or get a big E if the database notices the issue), double check what region the addon thinks you're in before uploading from any recently connected realm. Ordinarily I'd send an SOS to BOYD but, well, see the other sticky thread... tbh it barely even matters any more but may as well make some attempt to preserve data integrity.
Well at least disabling it on DMF should solve the problem rather than having to remember to upload before it auto-wipes but still, *sigh*. Especially annoying is I'm having issues with the who window constantly popping up... only on Draenor. So running censuses is a lot less annoying on the realm I now can't run them on