Shadowlands is possibly end of the line

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Shadowlands is possibly end of the line

Post by Balgair »

Just to let the few remaining people here know, it's not looking great for Shadowlands. I contacted BOYD a couple of months ago, who basically said he's not working on Censusplus any more, given that the changes forced by Blizz last year virtually killed the addon (ever since then, the top contributors list barely hits double figures each month - most of our members did not return), and the website will need extensive alterations to handle the level squish (which can't be done in the absence of the site owner, who is very rarely contactable).

Can't blame him at all; I can only thank him for keeping this running as long as he did: I know he stopped playing WoW several years ago and wanted to hand over then but nobody ever came along with the right skills, so I appreciate the huge amounts of time he's spent on this site and addon :)

I'd hoped to experiment with the addon myself to get it running for personal use, but I'm no programmer; I could change "120" to "60" in the code, sure, but that isn't cutting it; it won't even load and I sure don't know how to fix it! :lol:

So that's basically where we stand, if anyone out there can fix the addon for personal use I'd be delighted, but the site at least is probably gone for good. A real shame but I guess we've been in decline for a long time, it had to happen someday. The forum will probably continue to exist until someone pulls the plug or the domain expires (I don't think the host even remembers we exist most of the time), so I'll keep checking in occasionally, maybe see some of you around!

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Re: Shadowlands is possibly end of the line

Post by 1974ER »

Greetings Balgair!

While I am greatly saddened by the situation, there is nothing my skills or very limited wealth could fix.

To everyone!

Based on Balgair's post, I fear a story that has taken almost 12 years is approaching its' end. I am going to keep on submitting data for now, but it is possible that once the pre-patch hits, we lose both CP and with it the ability to upload anything at all. There probably are not going to be very many people to view these lines, but I want to thank Rollie, Balgair, Bringoutyourdead, Metalbeast and many others for this journey!

Yours sincerely,
1974ER, the Epic Censi

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Re: Shadowlands is possibly end of the line

Post by Balgair »

Heh 12 years, I just realised it's very near 15 for me, almost my entire time playing WoW and my entire time since I rerolled to Draenor (give or take 9 days), no wonder I feel so attached to this place, quiet as it's been for a good long while now, I know I'll miss it when it's gone. Looking at the members list, Rollie created this forum on November 28th, 2004, got to be one of the longest lived WoW sites out there tbh!

Glad to hear from you, I'd kinda wondered if there was anyone left to even see this; like I say, I can't blame BOYD for calling time on it, as it's really not used much now. I hope the site itself stays up for some time for historical information, it's great being able to see my characters' history, when I created them etc. Maybe I should take backups of my character pages actually :idea:

I too will continue submitting until prepatch, hard as it's getting now (hitting a few annoying glitches at present, and there's little point now in trying to diagnose if it's down to my setup, something Blizz broke that needs countering in the addon, or just Draenor running on a potato - I suspect it's Draenor :P ). As things stand the addon won't even load when 9.0 hits, I tried it on beta and it's complaining about something I can't find in the lua or understand enough to even attempt a fix - I am no programmer! There's a very low chance that it's something that breaks in beta and works later, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

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Re: Shadowlands is possibly end of the line

Post by Poisonenvy »

Sad to hear. I still use it .. primarily in order to check guild history on applicants, but I've also found it really useful - especially the census addon - to get a good understanding of activity on a realm. It's always been rather nice seeing someone on the Blizzard forums complain how their realm is "dead", with absolutely no data to back it up, and then I could go and take a census on their realm and give them some actual figures. Usually to show that they're not as "dead" as they thought :P

Admittedly it has been harder since the changes Blizzard made - previously, if I felt the urge, I could just leave the computer to do it's own thing while I did other stuff, and come back to a completed census .. whereas now I'd have to be present and button clicking. But I have still been promoting the site and the census addon, because I just can't believe more people haven't been taking full advantage of it.

I'll post something on the various channels I'm on, but I don't think I know anyone who has the skills or the reason to help, unfortunately. I'm certainly a complete noob as far as all that technical stuff is concerned. Unless there's an idiot guide somewhere knocking about :P

If everything does stop .. I'd just like to express my gratitude to all those involved .. I know I've not been an excessive uploader, but I'm a bit of a geek when it comes to data, and this site helped to scratch that itch. Thank you. *starts to twitch in anticipated withdrawal ...*

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