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Realm statistics and DKs

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:20 pm
by asmodai

does the realm statistics page support DKs yet though? I mean, if there's data for the class, will it show the class on the realm page? 'cause I would expect the current page to show the class icon, but with 0 members until data comes in.

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 6:34 pm
by Rollie
There won't be any DK data for a little while. It looks like my database changes are going to be faster than expected though, so that's good news.

I should be able to turn on updates later tonight.

The census page is still under rework to incorporate DK & lvl 80.

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 1:59 am
by asmodai
Cool, take your time, as long as the data gets accepted I'm happy. ;)

I can understand you, as much as any other person, wants to play and experience the expansion.