I would like to help keeping Maelstorm server up to date but I cant stand the spam in the chat window.. Might the next verison add an option to disable the who but still allow the census to run in the background?
Also can you add option to hide the mini census? I'm one of those people who doesent like too much stuff showing on the display. Yet allow census run automanicly.
Census doesent seem to impact my computer system preformance so I would't mind it being run all of the time.
EDITED: When the census finished.. i reliazed there were some diffrence with the spam.. It used to show everything from level 60-1 now just spam until the level 39 which is the highest right now.
I beleive it's a problem when census trying to find somebody of certain level and when nobody is that level it will cause the spam.. Xianna probally have the server that have at least 1 character for each level.
I will test this theory of mine on my other server and post the result in a minute.
Hmm... it only happened to me like four times, and it says what the last line on that guys thing said. It'll pick 3 characters out of the entire realm... all sixty, and of a random class, and it'll spam them (as of yet they've never been in the same area)