Why does only the horde side of the Number of entries ratio get bumped by 1 when I submit new data to a PvP realm? I create a char, take census, delete is, create another toon on the opposing side and take a census.
Doesnt the both sides get updated then? and should each side not bee recieving "entry points"?
Question about Number of entries ratio
I think OP means that if you look at a random server's page, let's take Drakka...
we see the "8 : 46*" number, meaning, I assume, that there have been 8 Alliance-side uploads and 46 Horde-side uploads in the last 30 days, yes?
but also to OP, yeah, the data isn't processed immediately. I usually upload once a night and check back the next morning.
we see the "8 : 46*" number, meaning, I assume, that there have been 8 Alliance-side uploads and 46 Horde-side uploads in the last 30 days, yes?
but also to OP, yeah, the data isn't processed immediately. I usually upload once a night and check back the next morning.
Censusing: Mostly Bronzebeard, Aggramar, Elune; sometimes Alleria, Icecrown, Scilla, Kel'Thuzad, Mal'Ganis, Draka, Staghelm, Nathrezim, Stonemaul.