Question about Number of entries ratio

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Question about Number of entries ratio

Post by salmanqq »


Why does only the horde side of the Number of entries ratio get bumped by 1 when I submit new data to a PvP realm? I create a char, take census, delete is, create another toon on the opposing side and take a census.

Doesnt the both sides get updated then? and should each side not bee recieving "entry points"?

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Post by bardiir »

Which nuber of entries ratio?
There is no way to see ho many census databases have been added except when the realms are in the most wanted list. And even then it's pretty much not a live count because the data is processed only 3 times a day and only then it's updated.

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Post by SannaSK »

I think OP means that if you look at a random server's page, let's take Drakka...
we see the "8 : 46*" number, meaning, I assume, that there have been 8 Alliance-side uploads and 46 Horde-side uploads in the last 30 days, yes?

but also to OP, yeah, the data isn't processed immediately. I usually upload once a night and check back the next morning.
Censusing: Mostly Bronzebeard, Aggramar, Elune; sometimes Alleria, Icecrown, Scilla, Kel'Thuzad, Mal'Ganis, Draka, Staghelm, Nathrezim, Stonemaul.

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Post by Rollie »

The entries ratio is based on the number of scans supplied. If you take 2 scans while logged in, then that would represent 2 entries.

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