Well in german it's Todesritter i don't know if there's a special feminine variation of it, but i don't think so because Todesritterin would be the feminine version and that just sounds too stupid to implement
German: "Todesritter" is absolutely correct and I agree with bardiir: it will most likely be used for both sexes.
French: "Chevalier de la Mort" (sounds nice, doesn't it?)
Spanish: "Caballero de la Muerte"
I wonder when you will publish an updated version of census+ that is able to get data about death knights and 70+ characters. Or is this already implemented but not active?
Hope it's ready soon, WotLK should already be live on European realms (my copy did not arrive on time so I'm sulking and not logging on to see everyone else in Northrend ) so there'll be plenty of new info to pick up soon
My censusplus seems to have gotten stuck since it caught deathknights. I'm going to try again in a bit to see if I should stop taking censuses until the release of the new version.
Kayni, Resto Shaman
Scenario, MW Monk
It seems (!) to work but when it comes to the end it just plays the familiar music and sits there...and plays the end music.....and plays.....
Also it seems to always have seen 5 people before, regardless of what server you are on. The no of new people changes though.